Thursday, July 28, 2011

Office Biggest Loser Contest

It's time again for an office "biggest loser" contest. My starting weight is 269.5 pounds, and my goal is to lose 20 pounds in the next 30 days.

I met with Dr. Chuck Mary yesterday, and he is going to help me in my weight loss goal. He's going to help me try to get off all my medications within three months, with the deadline being when we go cruising.

Dr. Mary also doubled my thyroid hormone medication yesterday, so that should also help with weight loss.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

What a wonderful Fourth of July. Slept in late, did some backyard work in beautiful weather, had a wonderful dinner with friends, and finished the day watching fireworks from the sailboat. Even took a quick dip in Lake Pontchartrain.

Guess I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow…

Saturday, July 2, 2011

French Quarter Bike Ride

Pain and symptom free today!

Met Jim at the marina at 8:30 AM. Took Robert E Lee Boulevard to Marconi and through City Park for a nice relaxing ride to the French Quarter. Rode over to the Algiers ferry, decided to save a river crossing for the next trip. Stopped and grabbed a quick cold one on Bourbon Street, before heading back to the marina. 18.3 miles in just under two hours.

Feel good, losing weight, looking forward to Paris in August.