Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hypothyroidism and Gout

I don't know exactly how the two intertwine, but the pains in my joints are the result of high uric acid levels (gout), not Hashimoto's.

While having three beers at the New Orleans Yacht Club on Saturday, July 29th, my right ankle started to hurt as if I had sprained it. I blamed it on the shoes I was wearing, and threatened to throw them away. Sunday morning it was unbearable and Monday I couldn't walk. Tuesday I went in to see Dr Mary, and was diagnosed with gout...disease two in a month!

Looking back, I can see the disease progressing. Memorial weekend at Pontchartrain Yacht Club was the first time I had swelling and pain in my right big toe. Other occurrences happened simultaneously with the Hashimoto's flare-up, so I lumped them all together.

Unfortunately, the gout seems to be directly related to beer consumption. Although I drank very little in June & July, I did drink five nights in a row before this last bout. Tuesday with Derek, Wednesday at Melius, Thursday and Friday with Kim & Laurie, and Saturday at the club. Uric acid levels rise, pain sets in, and it took over a week to be relatively pain-free.

I've been experimenting with a home remedy of apple cidar vinegar. Seems to ward off the pain til late evening, thus making the gout manageable. I'm trying real hard to alter food & drink rather than beginning new medications.

So far, so good...

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